Who today, in the XXI century has not heard the expression "echar un polvo" is probably living retired in a cloistered monastery or simply live like a hermit in a place away from civilization and lost from the hand of God. Everyone recognizes the phrase as soon as he hears it, however, probably very few know its origin.
And it is that really even among the scholars of the Spanish language there is a controversy regarding its origin. However, one of the theories most defended by the etymologists and collected by Pancracio Celdrán in his book 'Speak with correction' bet that between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the habit of consuming tobacco powder, better known as "Rapé", between It was the knights of the upper classes of the bourgeoisie and the aristocracy that gave rise to this expression.
Snuff used to be snorted giving rise to thunderous sneezes, which, the gentlemen who took it at parties often used to retire to other rooms with the excuse of going to put a powder to the nose.
The gentlemen used to retire to other rooms with the excuse of "echar un polvo"
This excuse began to be used to keep fleeting sexual encounters with the mistress on duty waiting in another room.
Hence, when someone asked about the absent, the response of the other gentlemen was that he had gone to "take a powder" "echar un polvo" in spanish, an expression that has remained to this day.
On the other hand, and as we commented at the beginning of our article, there is another theory defended by etymologists of the stature of Gabriel Laguna and that points directly as the origin of the expression 'throw a powder' to the religious expression "Memento homo, quia pulvis es , et in pulverem reverteris "(Remember man, that you are dust, and that you will return to dust) and it is from that" dust we come "that it is transformed into the current expression of " throwing a powder "just because in spanish dust means polvo too.
Be that as it may, from Ibizatops, close to start 2024, we wish you that this year that is about to begin will bring you many and very good polvos and if you do not have a partner, do not worry, everything will come.
IbizaTops. Treat yourself