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Masajes, Tántrico Ibiza - MASAJISTAS - Ibiza Tops


Tantric and relaxing masseuses in Ibiza. offers you the best selection of erotic and tantric masseuses in Ibiza.

In this section you will find the keys to making your body-to-body massage with the most sensual ladies in Ibiza come true.

Among the benefits of massage are thereduction of stress, recognizing the sensations of one's own body, releasing endorphins and allowing the body to relax. distend, help improve circulation and blood flow.

It should be noted that as it is an ancient Japanese practice, in general the contracted service is provided by a female therapist to a client. masculine
, however the massage itself is indistinct for any gender.


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Ibiza Tops. Tantric and Erotic masseuses in Ibiza offers you the best selection of erotic and tantric masseuses in Ibiza.
In this section you will find the keys to make your body-to-body massage with the most sensual ladies in Ibiza come true.

What is tantric massage?

It is an ancient technique from ancient Indian tradition. As its name indicates, tantric comes from Tantra, the sacred Hindu texts in which different treatises and teachings are collected. According to traditional Eastern medicine, body and soul are a unit, leading to the belief that to cure our illnesses it is not only important to have physical treatment, but also to cure our spirituality, which is why with the search for physical pleasure we seek reach emotional pleasure and therefore happiness.

In principle a tantric massage is designed to reach a state of mental relaxation and meditation close to Nirvana with which , the sensations of the body become much more intense.

This form of oriental massage helps us understand sexuality in another way since the body stimulation achieved maximizes the ties with the masseuse who He is giving it to us, reaching a synchronization in breathing, and a sensory communion in which, curiously, sex is not essential.

According to the teacher Kurma Rajadasa "Tantric massage includes erotic massage but erotic massage does not include tantric massage". Tantric massages must be given with both people completely naked, both the one giving it and the one receiving it. Only in this way can the sensory perception be more intense and pleasant.

Depending on whether the tantric massage is received by a man or a woman, we will be talking about two very different types of massages, The Lingam and the Yoni respectively responding to their Sanskrit names.

In the Lingam massage the most intense stimulation is done in the area of the penis, scrotum and perineum, leading to very intense orgasms if there are any, although we reiterate again that this is not the end of any of them. traditional massages.
The Yoni massage by the On the contrary, it focuses on the female genital area, both exterior and interior, and because a woman's body has more erogenous zones than a man's, caresses on the inner thighs, buttocks, and chest are very common, even performed with feathers and silks to enhance pleasure.

Lastly, and due to the generation of pleasure, tantric massages contribute to the release of endorphins, the so-called hormone of happiness, naturally, giving us a sensation of well-being and happiness and inhibition of pain that makes them really tend to be addictive.

At IbizaTops we recommend that anyone, regardless of their sex, who seeks a pleasant body relaxation, with a state of of mental peace and harmony you should try a good tantric massage at least once in your life.

Exclusive erotic massages in Ibiza

If you want erotic massages in Ibiza performed by specialized professionals, search our directory and you will find the best on the entire island. To relax and to live a unique experience on the White Island... Whatever your reasons, through IbizaTops you can get in touch with high-level erotic and tantric masseuses, prepared to give you that sensory pleasure and relaxation that you are looking for.

Depending on the type of massage you choose, you can achieve a different degree of relaxation, happiness and satisfaction. The erotic massages in Ibiza – the best known, most demanded by all types of clients and most offered by the professionals and agencies that advertise in our guide – will not leave you indifferent. The skills of the masseuses, together with their experience, will make you escape from reality for a few hours and focus on the pure pleasure of relaxation.

But if you have never tried the tantric arts, perhaps it is time to take advantage of a outcall masseuse in ibiza and know all its advantages and implications. Take a look at our directory, learn about all the options available on the island and make the most of the possibilities of reaching climax.

Exploit your sexuality without the need for sex, with erotic and tantric massages in Ibiza

masajes eroticos ibiza

Accustomed to the most common sexual tactics and practices, we sometimes forget that there is a whole world of alternatives with which we can enjoy, achieve maximum pleasure and discover much more about our sexuality. For all these reasons, more and more clients are opting for erotic massages.

Whether you have already tried them and they have convinced you forever, or if you want to know what it feels like to have this body-to-body technique, which ensures maximum relaxation and a burst of pleasure and sensations, search Ibiza Tops and find contact of the best masseuses to let you carry yourself in their hands.


Ibiza Tops, Treat yourself.

